According to holidayinsights.com, World Art Day, “is an international celebration of the fine arts. Sponsored by the International Association of Arts (IAA), the goal of this day, is to appreciate art in general, and to spread world-wide enthusiasm and awareness for the arts… April 15th was chosen as it is Leonard da Vinci’s birthday.”
As an art teacher, I thought it would be a fun day to celebrate not only with my students but also my awesome readers.
Some ways to celebrate as suggested by holidayinsights.com include the following…
1. Take a trip to a museum or art gallery.
=The Art Gallery of Alberta
Exhibits include…
Tiffany Shaw: Edmonton River Valley
Byron Samson (Mistikonȃpȇw): Place of Honour
Maud Lewis
Animal Architects
Damian Moppett: Untitled Abstract Drawing in Space
Water-Wise, River Breath: Reframing design’s role with water
Sidney Kelsie: Right in Your Own Backyard
Don’t Ask Me Where I’m From
The AGA also offers many educational opportunities for students which include, in-person tours, in-person studio sessions, full day programs, virtual conversations about exhibits and virtual studio sessions.
2. Participate in the creation of art.
=I usually like to give my artists choice in terms of the projects and media they use. This year the kids are going to make Pablo Picasso Portraits.
3. Teach kids about art.
=My classes always love the ‘Art Thief Webquest’ activity; they get to do some research. I usually pair this activity by showing them a video about the “World’s Most Expensive Paintings” (This one is from 2014 but other updated versions can be found on YouTube, or you can have the kids look up current prices)
4. Purchase a piece of art.
=Since we just did a renovation in our basement and are still decorating; this suggestion is right up my alley. There are lots of great pieces by local artists available at spring markets, which I look forward to frequenting but until then I found this cool print at Ikea; Pjätteryd
5. Appreciate ‘art’ all around you.
=We can all do this everyday; find the beauty in the chaos. Art comes in all shapes and sizes and sometimes can be found in the most unexpected places.
6. Help support the arts/artists.
=You can donate to local artists and facilities by accessing CanadaHelps.org or larger nationwide ones like..