
What am I currently RE-Reading???

I have always been a mystery novel nut and I find it really hard to find books that spark the same bookworm fire in me as my beloved Agatha Christie collection. I spent most of the summer though reading the Teacher Misery series by Jane Morris and lots of young adult fiction because I am an English teacher after all.

The Kinsey Millhone series by the late, great Sue Grafton filled the void in my life when I told my husband, “I literally have NO MORE books left to read.” I am starting to re-read them in the evenings before bed.

So far I have re-devoured…

A is for Ailibi
B is for Burglar
C is for Corpse
D is for Deadbeat
E is for Evidence
F is for Fugitive
G is for Gumshoe
H is for Homicide

And now currently…

I is for Innocent
In this novel we find PI Kinsey Millhone investigating the five year old murder of Isabelle Barney upon the request of her ex-husband, Ken Voight who seeks to prove that Isabelle’s widower did in fact kill her for her fortune. Kinsey is perplexed at the request as the widower (Mr. Barney) was acquitted by a court of law and his testimony still checks out; however suddenly the witnesses have changed their stories and more and more enemies of Isabelle are popping up, including her own twin sister. Kinsey has to find out who the real murderer is and avoid danger herself.

Remaining novels include…

J is for Judgement
K is for Killer
L is for Lawless
M is for Malice
N is for Noose
O is for Outlaw
P is for Peril
Q is for Quarry
R is for Ricochet
S is for Silence
T is for Trespass
U is for Undertow
V is for Vengeance
W is for Wasted
Y  is for Yesterday

*You can check out my Instagram stories for book recommendations for best mystery series overall and book recommendations for young adult fiction that I read this summer!