Reflections & Lifestyle

Treat Yourself… to a Hot Stone Massage

After an imaginably stressful second semester I decided to spend my summer, treating myself to some pampering to recharge my batteries and of course to re-focus on self-care. I always wanted to do was to have a hot stone massage.

What is it?
A massage that combines a firm touch of Swedish massage with the gentle touch of warm basalt stones which are warmed to a temperature of approximately 120°F. The stones are placed on key points on the body (which may include spine, stomach, chest, face, palms, feet or toes) to warm them. Other stones are used with oil to perform the massage. Sometimes cold stones are used afterwards as a way to soothe swelling blood vessels and skin.

What are the benefits?

1. Muscle Tension/Pain Relief…
By increasing blood flow to the area(s) causing you grief. It is effective for reducing spasms and inflammation.

2. Stress/Anxiety Reduction…
It is well documented that massage is an effective way to induce feelings of calm and relaxation therefore helping to promote better mental health.

3. Sleep Improvement…
Those who partake in massage tend to fall asleep faster and experience deeper and more restorative sleep. As well, when they wake up they are more alert and active.

4. Immune System Boost…
Massage has the ability to lower certain hormones responsible for regulating blood pressure and water retention.

5. Illness Symptom Reduction…
Further research has been conducted; findings support the belief that massage can help alleviate sleep issues and reduce trigger points for those afflicted with fibromyalgia. For those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis massage is linked to decreased pain and increased grip strength and range of motion. An extensive multi-year study found that massage also contributes to less intense pain, fatigue, stress, nausea and depression in those with cancer.

My two-cents….

Ultimately, I love using techniques like massage, chiropractic care and acupuncture as an alternative to over the counter and prescription medications to manage my pain, stress and illness; especially to help manage my migraines.