6:30AM: The alarm goes off and I sleepily make way to kitchen to turn the Keurig on and let the dog out.
6:40AM: Teeth are brushed, hair is tamed and I’ve donned my sexy thermal underwear.
6:45AM: Scarfing down bites of avocado toast between gulps of coffee, while my husband loads the last of the gear into the Dodge pick-up truck.
7:00AM: Pull on my SHE camo bibs, coat and toque. Adjust the laces of my Windriver boots.
7:05AM: zip the dog into his Tanglefree vest and secure him in the backseat of the cab
7:10AM: We make our way to the lake, with a quick stop at the gas station for bottles of water, snacks and maggots.
7:25AM: With windows rolled down we bump along the rutted trail to our favourite spot (and no, I won’t tell you where it is).
7:50AM: We arrive after stopping to talk to fellow anglers about the conditions, hooks and other bits of idle chit-chat.
7:55AM: I start digging a place for the tent while my husband cuts the holes with his trusty auger, named Ethyl; two holes for me and two holes for him.
8:03AM: He sets up the tent and Jawjackers while I scoop the slush from the holes: careful not to drop it down… down to the deep.
8:15AM: Tent in place, tied to the truck and the bottom flaps covered in snow.
8:20AM: The rest of the gear unloaded and strategically arranged in the tent (propane heater, chairs, bucket of rods, reels, cases of hooks, scale, clippers, you name it).
8:25AM: The Marcum and other two rods are set up, right around 10 feet down.; while the pup snores away happily next to us on his mat.
8:30-9:00AM: Like clockwork we start to mark them; big fat fish swims past my hook… now we wait…
Throughout the day my husband catches some; fights them adeptly like a professional; careful not to lose them at the hole. The Jawjackers miss a few or rather we do, not able to get out of the tent fast enough. And I get skunked.
Mid afternoon we clean up, head home for a nice warm shower and a proper lunch. Once the fish are cleaned my husband starts to think about how to change our luck.
An early to bed so we can get up and do it all again tomorrow morning…