I was safely delivered of our son earlier this month via c-section; he is our first and only child. I prepared –perhaps over prepared for this momentous occasion. Since I’m on maternity leave and awake every two hours I have a lot of time to reflect and savour the moments.
If you are expecting, here are some things that I realized.
- I over packed for myself and baby! (The understatement of the year!)
2. The hospital we were at provided formula, swaddle blankets , wipes, Vaseline; however they only provided cloth diapers so I was relieved that we brought our own pack of Huggies.
*It is a good idea to Google or call the facility you are giving birth at to find out what is and is not provided so you can lighten your load.
3. Baby didn’t need any clothes except for a going home outfit; and perhaps 1 extra in case he wet in his home outfit.
*I figured I would be putting him in clothes each day but he spent the the three days in a diaper and swaddle!
4. I sorely underestimated how limiting a c section is; I was literally unable to do any thing for three days!
*My husband was incredible; he did every feeding, every diaper change around the clock for that time (and for almost two weeks afterwards because he genuinely enjoyed it and wanted to make sure I actually took it easy)
5. I didn’t need to pack as much as I did for myself… I ended up staying in the hospital gown the whole time; I was not up to getting dressed until I had to on the last day.
6. I preferred the blue pad & maxi set up the nurses put together over the Frida pads and underwear.
*The disposable underwear at the hospital just breathed so much nicer! However, the Frida ones provide a little more compression. I also found the Frida pads were WAAY too large for what I needed.
7. I never thought I was use suppositories but it works so much quicker and it is 100% true after delivery you no longer care who sees what.
*Before you go home; have the nurse give you the pain medication in suppository form! And don’t try to be a hero and muscle through the pain –take the pain meds if you need them!
8. WALKING I hated it but I needed to do it and definitely brace your belly with a pillow or heavy hospital blanket folded up.
9. I was so scared to have the first bowel movement but to be honest both peeing and pooping were not as scary as I thought although using the bathroom takes and inordinate amount of time!
10. The bassinet next to the bed was amazing!
*I couldn’t physically get out of bed but being close to baby was great and made us re-think the sleeping configuration when we got home
11. I could not sit where ever I wanted when I got home… that was a shock!
*We bought the most amazing chair for the nursery but I couldn’t sit in it; and even now I struggle to sit in it and hold the baby at the same time. I spent the first three nights at home sleeping on the couch because I couldn’t get into our bed.
What are some of the things that gave you a “major wake up call” post birth? Please share them below and let’s help out other expectant mothers!