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Surviving the Holidays: Family Dinner Hacks

Last year, COVID-19 ruined the holidays for many of us; we couldn’t gather with our loved ones. This year we are finally able to gather. We host the major holiday feasts at our home; but all the prep work, cooking, serving and cleaning takes my attention and time away from my family. I have been using the following hacks to survive. So this Thanksgiving, give these a try so you too, can spend more time with your loved ones.

  1. Having a solid plan is the KEY to it all!
    –Menu, grocery lists, duties/roles, timings, etc

  2. Simplify the Sweets
    –I choose desserts that are less time consuming to make
    –I make my cookies ahead of time (sometimes a month in advance) and freeze them; I take them out the night before
    –Depending on how many pies I need to make I will buy Tenderflake crust and then make the filling
    –Don’t be afraid to use boxed cake mixes and frostings
    –Bake a couple days before your gathering

  3. Make it a Family Affair (Truly)
    –As my nieces and nephews get older and their love of cooking and baking increases; I have delegated to them to bring something whether a dip, a side dish, salad or treat. They have LOVED being more involved in our family dinners; not to mention they are talented little chefs.

  4. Setting the Table
    –This is a perfect job for a little helper
    –I always set up my table the night before
    –I only EVER use dishwasher safe plates, cutlery, serving tools, pots/pans; so they go straight into the dishwasher. No fuss, no fuss.
    –If we are having multiple meals throughout our festivities; the second the dishwasher is done I set the table directly from it so, with the exemption of a few items, everything goes right back on to the table

  5. Mise En Place
    –I do this in the few days leading up to the feast or the night before; then on the day all I have to do is just mix everything together and cook

  6. . Side Dish Time Saving
    –Some side dishes like a Wife Saver, Pierogi Casserole, Broccoli Salad, etc can be made the night before and warmed up the day of

  7. Use It All
    –Choose a menu in which you use a variety of your appliances! You can have your slow cooker, oven, stove top, microwave, electric roaster going! It cuts down on having to get up at the crack of dawn to start cooking if you are only using the oven. You can cook multiple things at once. At first I found this a bit overwhelming but the amount of time I had left over was awesome.

  8. Bags over Containers
    –I have the luxury of having two fridges and a plethora of coolers so space is NOT an issue for me to do a lot of prep ahead of time. But if you don’t have this luxury; use Ziploc bags to hold your mise en place or left overs rather than bulky containers

  9. Beverages
    –Use a cooler instead of your fridge if space is an issue

  10. Family Buffet
    –Have your family serve themselves; this means YOU don’t have to do it
    –It also saves space at your dinner table.