I remember getting the phone call.
I remember the person on the other end telling me that our beloved committed suicided.
I remember my heart pounding, my ears ringing.
I remember hanging up.
I remember throwing my phone across the kitchen and sinking down to the floor.
I remember the tears flooding down my face.
I remember going to work the next day and breaking the news to others.
I remember their screams and their sobs.
I remember the funeral.
I remember spending the rest of the year picking up the pieces of broken people left behind.
I remember realizing that none of us would ever be the same.
Far too many people commit suicide to escape the pain.
Far too many people are left behind with the pain.
World Suicide Prevention Day is September 10!
The Canadian Association of Suicide Prevention is one organization that seeks to unite people in 50 countries under the auspices of promoting the understanding of suicide, and to aid in the goal of a world without suicide. If you click on this link (and I sincerely hope that you do); you can find out about the online event that the CASP is hosting, called, “Creating Hope Through Action.” In addition to toolkits available in a plethora of languages. You can also find WAYS TO GIVE.
Suicide Prevention Day