My eldest niece turned 16 this year; and it really hit me hard that the little girl I first met 10 years ago has blossomed into an incredibly smart and kind young woman. Words cannot express how proud she makes me and how lucky I am to be her aunt. Anyways… enough with the mushy stuff. Usually for her, I pick one of her favourite stores and fill her stocking with a variety of items from said store. Which were a HUGE hit with her!
Previous “Store-Themed Stockings” have included the following.
-Bath & Body Works
However, this year will be an eclectic mix of items to match her changing interests and needs.
-Bluetooth Shower Speaker
-Fidget Toy Phone Case
-Funky Socks
-Card Game
-Wildflower Seed Package
-Sample Scents

Stay tuned for two more stocking stuffer posts in early December; for adults!