I absolutely love gardening; we have a huge vegetable patch and a greenhouse. We also have tons and tons of small planters and hanging baskets adorning our house and yard, in addition to large barrel planters and two flower beds. Both my husband and I can go overboard when it comes to buying plants. Last year was our first growing season with the greenhouse so I grew a lot of our plants from seeds –I am hoping to grow even more this year. I have already started designing the garden.

Barrel Planter 1
-Shasta Daisy
Barrel Planter 2
-Sweet William
Cover Planter
*various colours, heights and types
Front Bed (House)
*arranged; so that when they bloom it’s like rainbow blanket
Front Bed (Yard)
*all in various shades of purples & white
-Alpine Aster
-Bearded Iris