
So You Wanna Plan A Girl’s Trip???

The ongoing pandemic has us all thinking about “WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO WHEN THINGS GO BACK TO NORMAL?” I think travel is high on the list of so many! Both my best friend and I love to travel, if that wasn’t evident already. We don’t often get the opportunity to travel together, but when we do, we do it up right! Most of our adventures have been in our own backyards; locally, since Alberta or British Columbia and Canada in general have so much to offer for the would-be tourist.

In recent years it has been harder for the two of us to escape for a getaway; whether it was because she was busy finishing her PhD or because once she finished I went back to school to get my Masters; or whether it was because she moved 2 hours away and I got married or because we both were house-poor; leaving little in the piggy bank to spend on a vacation.

Our schedules have become pretty much opposite; as a teacher I don’t have the flexibility to travel throughout the year and when I can it is usually at peak times and VERY expensive. And as an award winning event planner, summer is her crazy busy season.

A couple years ago we decided we were due for an epic adventure and figured I would share our planning process. We both are in our element when we plan.

Step 1: Budget
Both of us can be very frugal in our everyday lives; however there are a few things where we are both willing to break the bank a little on; good food, hobbies and vacations. It is really important that you and your girlfriends agree on budget well in advance and keep in mind that vacations are notorious for added costs such as insurance, rentals, food, last minute excursions, souvenirs, etc.

Step 2: Coordinate Schedules
This sometimes is the longest part of the whole process. For me, I am limited to long weekends, spring break and July and August. My husband works away a week at a time, so it is easier for me to go on trips with my bestie when he is home to look after our menagerie of animals; however that cuts down on our time together. Her schedule varies year to year. She is constantly busy meeting with clients, planning, sourcing decor from vendors, coordinating during the lead up to the weddings themselves. Then of course there is the actual wedding days! Now with the addition of her own puppy, she has to figure out puppy care as well. Sometimes it feels like the ideal time in our schedules comes up once in a Blue Moon; but perhaps I am being dramatic.

Step 3: Type of Vacation
Do you want an all-inclusive experience? What kind of pace are you comfortable with? Are you seeking the adventure of a lifetime? Do you want to do a culinary tour? The possibilities are endless. We aren’t exactly fond of laying on the beach, don’t get us wrong it’s nice every once and a while but we want to get out and discover a new locale. We want to feel like we are getting the best bang for our buck; you can read ‘cheap’ into this if you wish.

Step 4: Pick a Location
In the past we toyed with the idea of: Las Vegas, Seattle, Iceland or San Francisco. Mainly because they were relatively quick jaunts or airlines were actively advertising cost effective packages and all of these locations offer lots for us to do and see. We also try to pick places that neither of us have been to before, or places where neither of us has spent much time.

Step 5: Sourcing
My bestie is definitely the best at sourcing out fantastic places to stay, restaurants to eat at and tracking down the best deals on flights; whether it’s meticulously comparing airfare from the carriers themselves or navigating through the many pages on Trivago,, Expedia, etc. She will come up with the best deal for the best money. Travel agents are more expensive of course so doing this legwork yourself can save you quite a bit of money, meaning you can have more fun at your destination.

Step 6: To Do Lists
Both of us will make lists of what we really have to see and experience at our chosen destination. I am sharing our plans for my all time favourite trip to San Francisco! Since she is not afraid of driving in foreign places; we have no qualms about renting a car and venturing a little further from our accommodations to tackle our lists. Quite often though, we pick the same attractions. Once our must see/experience wishes are taken care of and we’ve got time left, we’ll roll the dice and pick our next stop at random.

-Golden Gate Bridge
-Lombard Street
-Painted Ladies
-Sushi at Ju-Ni 
-Fisherman’s Wharf
-Aquarium of the Bay at Pier 39
-San Francisco Museum of Modern Art
-Ride a Cable Car
-San Francisco Botanic Gardens

Step 7: Packing
This is another facet of the trip that includes LISTS! I confess I make a clothing schedule; so I don’t over pack and I’m not caught unprepared. The best travel trick I learned/stole from my bestie was to purchase compression bags; simply lay your clothes in, zip and roll; this saves so much space! She prefers to take a minimalist approach to her make-up; she packs enough to achieve a “five minute face” look. Packing less in terms of make-up means less time in security digging out liquids, gels and sprays. In addition, she prefers to wear her bulkiest outfits on the plane and “go carry-on” as much as possible to avoid long waits at the baggage carousel.