Reflections & Lifestyle

Shiftworker Wife: Mental Health

January 28th was Bell Let’s Talk Day. Many professional development and convention sessions have focused on mental health and resiliency. I am very glad that this facet of well-being has been brought to the forefront; too bad it took a pandemic for us to get our priorities in order. I’ve spent a lot of time think about, learning about and researching mental health. I came across this article while my husband was away at work. Albeit, it is from 2017, but it was really the first article I found devoted to the topic and it also made me wonder how the pandemic has affected this situation.

Oil, Heartbeak, And Manhood: Behind The Mental Health Crisis Of Alberta’s Oil Workers

Despite all the gains we have made in opening up the dialogue on mental health far too many people, men especially hide their pain and suffering because of the long persisting stigma associated with mental health issues. They have been told for far too long to “suck it up” and “be a man.” As heartbreaking as it was to read I think that it is a very important one to read. It really scared me; my husband is a rotational shiftworker. I came across this article when it popped up on my Facebook feed, shared by a shiftworker; was it a sign or a quiet call for help?

I have heard stories from my husband and other shiftworkers about “guys who couldn’t hack it;” I couldn’t imagine the pressure that my husband, his friends and co-workers put on themselves not only to work hard to provide for their families but the pressure they put on themselves not to be labelled, “the guy who couldn’t hack it.” Just continuing the cycle of silence.

Let’s stop viewing our men as these hard-working, indestructible pillars in our lives and let’s start viewing them as hard-working, vulnerable humans. Talk to your spouse and don’t hesitate to access the help that they need.