Writing Prompt Wednesdays

September Journal #2

What is your favourite CD or album?

CDs? What are those? Am I right? I don’t have a favourite CD or album, although back in my “youth” I had  A LOT of CDs. My mom and I ordered from a company -maybe Columbia House – I am not sure the name but basically you’d get a bunch of CDs every month for a flat rate. I even had a 6 disc CD player both at home and in my first car. I like all sorts of music so my “faves” change all the time. This month it is Miley Cyrus’ latest album, next month who knows. For the longest time, probably ages 11-16 I was obsessed with the Backstreet Boys; so my favourite albums were always theirs. With Spotify I am embracing a lot of different artists. Basically if I find something I like I listen to it over and over again, like I did with the soundtrack for SIX in the summer. I often listen to songs or albums way longer than they are popular.

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

What about you?