Writing Prompt Wednesdays

September Journal # 1

What is one phrase you would really like to hear right now?

“You have won the lottery!”


I would love to hear my dad’s voice again. The phrase could be anything, even the most ridiculous or mundane thing. We never were that family who took many good family photos or made videos so I really have no decent photos of my dad and I have no recording of his voice. After 20+ years I can’t even remember what he sounds like and the 16 years worth of memories I have seem to be fading. There are definitely specific clear moments but the everyday stuff is hazy. Even his sent memory is disappearing. When my brother-in-law died his wife made Build-A-Bears for the kids and had a recording of his voice put inside and I just think that’s so precious and such a great idea for the kids.

What about you? Comment below!
Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

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