Reflections & Lifestyle

September 2023 Accountability Post

I blinked and September was over; its time to reflect on the three goals I set for myself. I am glad I set simple goals, otherwise I don’t think I would have been successful. I hope you all had a much calmer month than I did.

  1. Take the night off and do something fun with a friend.
    –I went to see The Importance of Being Earnest and it was such a fun night! I highly recommend the play!
  2. Pack a lunch everyday.
    –I filled my Bento box each night before school with healthy snacks to keep me going throughout the day!
  3. Walk everyday.
    –I minimized how much I sat during the day; the reminder on my FitBit definitely came in handy. I walked everyday at lunch; but it also helps that I HAD to since I asked for extra supervision.