Reflections & Lifestyle


2021 HAS to be better than 2020; it just has to be…

Normally, I don’t bother making resolutions because I haven’t been successful in keeping them, so I just avoided the pressure and disappointment entirely. Since I made it through the pandemic. I will be making a resolution and sticking to it. This year will be the year of taking better care of myself physically and mentally.

Sub-Resolution 1: Lose weight

  • I have put on quite a bit of weight over the last few years; and even morso during quarantine. I slimmed down a bit for my wedding but it didn’t last. It has taken me awhile to realize that it isn’t about losing weight until I hit the magic number on the scale and then wildly yo-yo-ing. I have to make a conscious decision to keep the weight off consistently, to be proactive.

Sub-Resolution 2: Improve my (diet/exercise) habits

  • There are no gyms nearby, and my workout buddy lives in Calgary. I need to make sure that the time I carve out to workout is not being sacrificed for something else. Unfortunately there are only so many hours in a day and something has to give; and ultimately it has been this aspect of my personal care. I have sacrificed working out for marking, planning, cooking, cleaning, watching TV, completing my masters, playing Candy Crush, etc. I also have been eating pretty terribly since the fall. I live on convenience food like sandwiches and pre-made, processed foods because it has seemed easier than cooking for one. Eating garbage has made me feel like garbage; no energy to workout even if I wanted to. I was the queen of make ahead meals, I have to reclaim my throne. It saved me a lot of time throughout the week; time that I could use to work out or do the other things that I sacrificed my workouts for in the first place. In addition, I also have to be more consistent at taking my vitamins.

Sub-Resolution 3: Cut out alcohol

  • I don’t drink excessively, however this is one less thing I can keep out of my system. Plus, it will help me avoid the excruciating migraines I have been battling since age eleven. I probably should have done this one sooner; but I was young and dumb.

Sub-Resolution 4: Cut out caffeine

  • There is a teacher meme that states: “Coffee: Turning tired teachers into superheroes on a daily basis!” This is accurate. There have been days where I consumed four or more cups of coffee, especially during report card season. There have been days where I get the shakes because I haven’t had enough coffee. Every night after dinner I have a cup of coffee with my husband. Sadly, I’ll admit that I probably drink more pop or juice on a daily basis than water. So I’m going to limit myself to the recommended daily allotment of caffeine and up my water intake considerably.