Health & Beauty Reflections & Lifestyle

Raw Food Diet

We made the switch to raw food for our dog and the results have been remarkable; I can’t believe we didn’t do it sooner. The brand he loves is Bold by Nature. So why did we make the switch and what changes have we seen??

  1. His coat has never been shinier .
  2. His dandruff is at a minimum which made us think perhaps it was symptomatic of allergies; and if it isn’t the food had been great for his skin regardless.
  3. He is like a puppy again; so much more energy.
  4. Trying to get him to drink water has always been a struggle; and raw food helps to keep him hydrated especially when he is super active during hunting season.
  5. He is at a more healthy weight and his weight is more consistent –he really fluctuated between summer & winter.
  6. At our last vet visit they noted that he had some tartar; it wasn’t bad but we definitely didn’t want it turning into a major dental issue; since switching his teeth look much better.
  7. We definitely were dissatisfied with the amount of fillers in his kibble since the manufacturers changed the recipe.
  8. We noticed his got stiff easily and wondered if there was wear and tear on his elbow. Since switching we haven’t noticed any limping after laying down and his hygroma has not returned –sometimes it got to be the size of a golf ball.
  9. Let’s be honest, dogs can be stinky; since making the switch not only has his breath improved (probably because of improved digestive benefits) but his farts are not longer room clearing.
  10. We have even noticed a change in his bowel movements; he is more regular and seems less constipated.