Baby Life

Product Review: Dr. Brown’s Deluxe Bottle Warmer & Sterilizer

I was super impressed by this item when I saw it on the shelf at Babies R Us because I could get two things for the price of one… and for a relatively cheap price. I am pretty sure I paid around $65 for it. I also like the idea that it would cut down clutter on my counter top; I wouldn’t need to find space for a sterilizer AND a bottle warmer.  

However, the charm wore off… pretty fast!

Although it is fast and easy to use I found a few issues with it….

  1. We use room temp ready to use formula or we give our little guy slightly chilled formula. He doesn’t mind and it makes being on the go easy since we don’t have the ability to warm formula while traveling. Plus even the “lowest temperature” is SCALDING!
  2. It’s really small; you can only use it for the small bottles. You can fit one small bottle and it’s pieces in at a time and let’s face it babies keep us busy enough it’s easy to get behind on bottle duty and then you are scrambling to do multiple loads.
  3. The allegedly “large reservoir” is only good for almost 3 cycles and it reservoir is a total and utter pain to take on and off
  4. It leaks; or the condensation is not accounted for and they need a collection tray or something because I am constantly wiping my counter and the floor when it drips down.
  5. The bottles are ALWAYS dripping wet; it’s almost like you need to buy a separate dryer. I have the bottle rack but in humid conditions airy drying takes forever. 

I do not recommend this product! 

I wish I would have bought the larger sterilizer instead. 

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