Baby Life Reflections & Lifestyle

Product Review: Dr. Brown’s Baby Bottles

These bottles are advertised as “the best baby bottles.” I beg to differ.

These bottles have been nothing but trouble from the start in terms of leaks. And, BEFORE people comment that there is troubleshooting advice for that on the website; don’t bother –been there done that; the advice works as haphazardly as the bottles. Leaking was still an issue.

However, when they aren’t leaking I am happy to report that my son hasn’t suffered from colic (yet) so perhaps the leaky bottle issue is outweighed. Maybe the “anti-colic” promise from the maker is valid. BUT, then again that may not even be a result of the product but rather the baby (because he’s awesome!)

My recommendation is to try out a bunch of different bottle brands BEFORE committing to one. If you don’t experience leaks that is great but just be prepared for you and your baby to covered in formula or breast milk; regularly.