Ingredients 1 cup AP flour 1.5 tsp baking powder 0.5 tsp salt 1 cup Greek yogurt 1 egg Everything Bagel Seasoning
Directions 1. Sift dry ingredients together in a medium bowl 2. Add yogurt and mix until dough comes together 3. Roll into a ball and divide it into four parts and turn out onto a floured surface 4. Form into four balls; poke a hole in the center and gently work the dough until it resembles a bagel 5. Put bagels onto a parchment paper lined cookie sheet 6. Brush with egg wash 7. Sprinkle with seasoning 8. Bake at 350F for 23 minutes
Have you done any research into your ancestors? What interesting surprises have you discovered?
I have always been interested in my ancestry, my paternal grandma was the gatekeeper to this information but sadly we became estranged and she died. Therefore I am cut off and disconnected from that part of my family tree. However, she always claimed we were descended from Lord Lovat of England and that there were many generations who were mayors in a town in England. Apparently, her parents immigrated to Canada because they wanted to live a life unencumbered by their “positions.” I am assuming perhaps there was a falling or or some sort of scandal but there was no way my prim and proper, “stiff upper lip” grandmother was going to divulge that.
My maternal aunt is the keeper of knowledge for that side of my family tree. I tried to do the thing; they always have a special offer around Remembrance Day but I can only get so far back because the record keeping in the “Old Country ” wasn’t the greatest and I supposed when you flee your country, you leave a lot of stuff behind. Both sides are small; many died or couples had few children than would have been expected at those times. My grandmother and her sister married men who were brothers; so they had the same in-laws. And, interestingly enough all the women tended to outlive the men by decades; so there is a long history of lonely widows and zero divorces.
Ingredients 1 tsp Olive Oil 900 ml Campbell’s Vegetable Broth 2 Carrots (diced) 2 Celery Stalks (diced) 1 Onion (diced) 4 Garlic Cloves (diced) 540 ml Diced Tomatoes (with juice) ¼ tsp Salt 540 ml Cannellini Beans (drained) 1 cup Rotini (uncooked) ¼ tsp Parsley 2 Tbsp Parmesan Cheese (grated)
Directions 1. Heat oil in a pot and cook vegetables (carrots, celery & onion) until tender 2. Add garlic and cook for another minute 3. Add broth, tomatoes, salt and beans; bring to a boil 4. Simmer on low for 6 minutes 5. Add pasta and continue to cook until pasta is tender 6. Stir in parsley and parmesan cheese
Having bid 2022 a long overdue “adieu,” I spent some time thinking about what I wanted 2023 to be. Every year I tell myself that “this is my year, this is the year I’m going to get started.” Started on what?, I am not sure. 2022 was another tough year, the heartbreak often overshadowed the incredible moments. I lost momentum a lot in 2022; it seemed like the second I dusted myself off, something else hit me hard. Two steps forward, one step back. Most resolutions have been abandoned by now, so I didn’t make any. Instead, I decided that each month I am going to set a series of THREE different challenges or goals.
The focus of January was Physical Health: moving my body more, drinking more water and snacking less. I am going to try and continue on with those goals but I am going to add the following…
February 2023: Mental Health 1. Journaling -I’m going to spend about 5 minutes each morning filling in a writing prompt.
2. Reading instead of Scrolling -To quiet my brain before bed; I am going to read at least ONE chapter of a book instead of scrolling on Instagram for extended periods of time.
3. Meditation -Each day I am going to do a breathing exercise; I really don’t have any excuse –I can access this on my Fit Bit. Ideally, I’d like to do one in the morning and evening.
I can’t believe how fast January flew by. To kick off 2023 I set three health goals for myself. To keep myself accountable I’m checking in monthly with you all. As a refresher, my goals were…
1. Move My Body –Daily Sit-Ups
2. Cleanse –Increase water intake
3. Smart Eating –Decrease snack food
How did I make out??
In terms of moving my body; I have increased my daily activity by 30 minutes. I re-downloaded the Nike Training Club app and I been enjoying the plethora of new workouts they have added. I alternatemy targeted areas and then work in some yoga. So far, my neck and back muscles aren’t as tight, I don’t feel as winded as I did at the start of the month and I feel much more energized.
In terms of cleansing; I haven’t had juice, pop or alcohol all month. I used to crave Diet Coke all the time and too be honest I haven’t had a hankering for it all. I have gotten myself down to one cup of coffee a day but if I feel like I want a hot drink in the evening I opt for a chamomile tea. I have also been drinking at least 1 litre of water a day –which is far from what is recommended BUT considering I drank waaay less this is major progress. I have only had one headache this month so far which I attribute to this goal.
In terms of smart eating; I downloaded the Weight Watcher app which I really enjoyed, and I don’t know why I stopped. I haven’t had any junk food all month; no chips, no cookies, no chocolate, no candy and to be honest I don’t crave them at all. I am making much smarter choices with my meal planning and snacking.
I also got a FitBit Versa 2 to assist me with my health goals moving forward. Next month I’ll set three new goals.
Complete this simile: “As awkward as ______________”
As awkward as an elephant on ice skates!
I think that simile best describes me in public settings. I am definitely an introvert and every meme about introverts is painfully hilarious because it is so true. I often put my foot in my mouth, I feel itchy in public settings and try to fade into the background. And because of my innate awkwardness I prefer to stay home and only have a small circle of very close friend. However, the job I have chosen is really only suited to an extrovert so I am capable of putting on quite the show while feeling like I’m gonna die inside. My personal hashtag according to my friends is #lilaalwaysmakesitawkward so this prompt is pretty fitting for me.
Ingredients 1 ¾ cups flour 1 tsp baking soda ½ tsp salt 1 cup sugar ⅓ cup smooth peanut butter 1 egg 1 tsp vanilla 1 Tbsp lemon juice 1 cup milk Directions 1. In a large bowl cream the sugar, peanut butter, egg and vanilla together 2. In a medium bowl combine the flour, baking soda and salt 3. Add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients and mix well 4. Add lemon juice and milk to the batter; mix well 5. Pour batter into a loaf pan lined with greased parchment paper 6. Bake at 350F for 1 hour or until a toothpick comes out clean 7. Let loaf cool in pan before removing
Tip: Smear cut slices with grape jelly for a nostalgic taste