
Packing For A Girl’s Trip

Prior to the pandemic my bestie and I try to see each other at least once a month and we also try to plan a longer girls’ trip to a far away locale as often as we can. We have our packing down to a fine science. Since I am taking off to be reunited with my bestie in Calgary soon I thought I would share my staple suitcase items. I always adhere to the packing “+1 rule”  for bras, undies and socks…just in case. Sometimes, I am accused by my husband of over packing; but I am always prepared and my packing choices allow me flexibility.

I have been following a strict Kate Somerville acne treatment regime and it has been working; I don’t want to have a skin backslide so I pack it all! Along with my make-up of course! I have a permanent make-up case  at the ready. Packed with travel-sized deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, body, shampoo and conditioner in addition to a hairbrush, extra hair ties, a razor, Advil and spare feminine products.

*Also, I don’t like counting on the hotel or B&B having toiletries (if we happen to be lodging at one).

-Bras & Undies

We put on A LOT of miles usually whenever we get together so I always pack a pair of…


Flip Flops
(for those hot days and they also double as shower shoes if I find the hotel/B&B bathroom sketchy; Crocs have been my go to brand!)
-dress shoes (depending on the season or activity these may be wedges or pumps)

-“Everyday” Outfits
These are meticulously coordinated with the planned itinerary. More often than not they include a pair or jeans, Lululemon studio pants and a pair of two of leggings With a variety of tops: tanks, t-shirts and long-sleeves.

Without fail we ALWAYS do one fancy thing on our trips; whether that is a vineyard tour, dinner at a nice restaurant or a show; so it is important that I pack a “fancy outfit” this is usually a wrinkle-resistant dress.

-Workout Clothes
Sometimes we plan on doing a workout; whether yoga or spending an hour at the gym or going for a walk with the pups. Having a workout outfit at the ready is great. Leggings, sports bra, tank and lightweight pullover.

A lightweight rain jacket and hoodie

These are tailored to the weekend we have planned just like the “everyday outfits” but always include…

-a clutch purse (to switch to from a larger purse)
-jewellery: necklace, earrings & cocktail ring

Phone charger, earbuds and Chromebook or iPad

-Amusement Item
This is usually a book but can be a magazine, an updated playlist on Spotify, Sudoku or a new iphone game.

-Travelfolio (for international travel)
This contains all my essential travel documents; tickets, passport, itinerary, booking receipts, etc. However; a lot of those things come in e-versions so all you really need is your phone