Writing Prompt Wednesdays

October Journal #4

If you could live to see any event in the future, what would that event be?

Wow, this is a tricky prompt for sure! There are quite a few future events I’d like to see -for no other significant reason than it would simply be “neat,” or humbling…

  1. Canada’s 1000th birthday
  2. Humans being able to travel to and live on Pluto
  3. The day in which all countries agree to live in peace and cooperate fully in all respects
    *I may need to live forever for that one to happen. At this rate I think my second item is more likely!
  4. The day in which cancer is officially eradicated
  5. Haley’s Comet
    *fingers crossed for 2061!
  6. The reunification of the continents again; neo-panacea

    I think ultimately I’d just like to live forever and see it all. To literally know what happens for the rest of history.

    Prompt from Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

    What about you?