Writing Prompt Wednesdays

October Journal #3

Which is stronger: love or hate?

They have equal strength in my opinion, however, I believe that love always wins. Love can accomplish the most incredible things. Hate can cause and equal amount of destruction. People throughout history have been celebrated for their love — all the help and goodness they put out into the world. People have been vilified (rightly so) for their hate — all the pain they have inflicted on the world. It begs the question of whether these two can exist without the other. So far it appears not. These concepts equate to “good and evil;” two halves of the same coin. One is what we should feel, give, and be. The other is what we should not feel, give and be. So I guess, since I believe love and goodness always wins, I guess by default it is stronger…

Prompt from Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

What do you think?