Writing Prompt Wednesdays

October Journal #1

What is the best pick up line you know?

I have never used a pick up line on a guy before. Believe it or not but I have never really been “hit on” or “picked up” like they depict it in movies; you know the scene –a guy walks up to a girl in a bar with a canned line. “Hey, how’s it going?” is pretty much what I have heard. And since I have been married for seven years (together for 11) obviously that line worked! When I was doing the online dating thing they did have some canned conversation starters that you could send to your matches. Those were pretty tame; nothing cheesy. When I hear the phrase: “pick up line.” I think of tidbits like this…

Guy: Did it hurt?
Girl: Did what hurt?
Guy: When you fell from heaven

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

What about you?