Writing Prompt Wednesdays

November Journal #4

What was the last puzzle you worked on?

I did a lot of puzzles during the “COVID times.” I really enjoy them. I only like to do the 500 or 750 piece puzzles. If I have to I’ll do one that’s 1000 pieces but any more than that and it’s just too much. Also, sometimes my obsessive compulsive shows itself, so once I start I want to fully finish it. So, if it’s 1000 pieces, I’ll stay at for hours and hours to the point where I won’t sleep. I think the last one I did was either a seed package that I framed or the upside down puzzle of our dog that a client gave to us. My husband isn’t a fan of puzzles so I have to do them on my own. Basically, that’s the literal answer. However, the figurative answer is: “how do I solve the issue of low engagement in school life activities?” It is a very tricky puzzle that I’m working on because basically, how do you get people to care?, how do you compete with the instant gratification of a phone?, how do you come up with fresh exciting activities and prizes when there is zero input from the vested parties but yet they complain school isn’t fun?

What about you? Comment below!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts