Writing Prompt Wednesdays

November Journal #1

Does religion play a role in your life? Why or why not?

Religion does not play a role in my life. It never has. I never grew up with religion and we never went to church as a family. I do have to admit that my religious knowledge is pretty slim. I thought I knew what religion my mother’s family is/was, however, the more I think about it, there are things that don’t add up but there is no one to confirm it but I do believe there is some ‘closeted faith’ aspect to the story. I think my father’s family is Baptist or Lutheran, but again I am not so sure. I took a religion class in university but I never practiced a religion. I have nothing against religion and I wouldn’t call myself an atheist. And I would never begrudge anyone their religious beliefs! Perhaps I am more ambivalent than anything else. Most people are shocked to find out that I really have zero religious affiliation; they are always like, “You have never been to church?” (Never for worship, but I have been in churches for travel/trips or weddings and funerals but never for like a Sunday service).

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

What about you?