
November Book Club

Another slow month for reading over here; unless you count all the children’s books I read with my son, EVERYDAY! MULTIPLE times a day. Anyways, I did manage to carve out some alone time (when he was napping) to FINALLY read…

Murder Your Employer: The McMasters Guide to Homicide by Rupert Holmes

Cliff Iverson finds himself at the usual McMasters school after a botched “murder” attempt. Once there he is educated on how to do it “properly;” however, if he fails again… he becomes the next victim. We also meet two others: Gemma and Doris who seek to delete their utterly terrible bosses.

I can’t wait for the sequel which should be out later this year; Murder Your Mate.

Amendment to October…

The Briar Club by Kate Quinn*

When women from all walks of life come together in a boarding house during the height of McCarthyism in the United States they create a family and connect through food.

*I finished October 31 and this should count for last month, but I’d already posted the October book club; so I am tacking this on to November!