Health & Beauty

New Year Goals: Accountability Post

I can’t believe how fast January flew by. To kick off 2023 I set three health goals for myself. To keep myself accountable I’m checking in monthly with you all. As a refresher, my goals were…

1. Move My Body
–Daily Sit-Ups

2. Cleanse
–Increase water intake

3. Smart Eating
–Decrease snack food

How did I make out??

In terms of moving my body; I have increased my daily activity by 30 minutes. I re-downloaded the Nike Training Club app and I been enjoying the plethora of new workouts they have added. I alternatemy targeted areas and then work in some yoga. So far, my neck and back muscles aren’t as tight, I don’t feel as winded as I did at the start of the month and I feel much more energized.

In terms of cleansing; I haven’t had juice, pop or alcohol all month. I used to crave Diet Coke all the time and too be honest I haven’t had a hankering for it all. I have gotten myself down to one cup of coffee a day but if I feel like I want a hot drink in the evening I opt for a chamomile tea. I have also been drinking at least 1 litre of water a day –which is far from what is recommended BUT considering I drank waaay less this is major progress. I have only had one headache this month so far which I attribute to this goal.

In terms of smart eating; I downloaded the Weight Watcher app which I really enjoyed, and I don’t know why I stopped. I haven’t had any junk food all month; no chips, no cookies, no chocolate, no candy and to be honest I don’t crave them at all. I am making much smarter choices with my meal planning and snacking.

I also got a FitBit Versa 2 to assist me with my health goals moving forward. Next month I’ll set three new goals.