Health & Beauty Reflections & Lifestyle

Morning Routine: Before & After

Are you a morning person? Mornings can be tough for me; but I have made some changes to my routine and it has been paying off.

Wake up to the most obnoxious alarm possible!Changed my tone; I set a gentler alarm sound at 6am and then the obnoxious one 5 minutes later (as a back-up).
Shower –get in and get out as quickly as possible.Shower –with an invigorating shower steamer scent; I spend more time in the shower so I have implemented a better skin & hair care routine.
Brush my teeth.Brush my teeth, floss & mouthwash, while listening to music.
No make-up; I stopped bothering because of having to wear masks.Moisturize, use my amethyst roller and do my eyebrows.
Scramble around to find clothes to wear.I started picking out my clothes the night before.
Play a game on my phone & check email.I try not to ‘play’ on my phone; if I do I participate in a group message thread with my work besties; we send funny teacher memes, motivational sayings or random gifs. I now only check my email once I get to work.
No breakfast; but sometimes remember to take my multivitaminBreakfast! The difference a piece of toast or yogurt or oatmeal makes is huge. It also gives me time to make sure I take my multivitamin consistently.
Leave the house without lunch.Grab my water bottle & lunch that I prepared the night before. 

What is your morning routine like? Share in the comments!