Writing Prompt Wednesdays

May Journal #5

Do you have a favorite spot to go out for coffee or dinner? What makes the spot so great?

Not really a must go to and sit and sip my coffee type of place; unless you count my couch on a weekend morning. Starbucks is my favorite place to get coffee when I’m out and about though. I even finally joined everyone in this decade and got the Starbucks app and card on my FitBit. I like my fancy coffees although I mostly just get simple orders like a Cafe Americano. I love trying new restaurants, especially with my girlfriends. We go to The Sawmill a lot but since it changed from Moose Factory the quality and menu variety has gone down really fast but it is one of the few places my husband will go out to eat and it was one of our first dates. I do really love the Olive Garden for the same reason.

What about you? Comment below!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts