Writing Prompt Wednesdays

May Journal #4

What is more important in a friend: someone who makes you laugh, or someone who is always there for you?

Someone who is always there for you is the most important. Together you can love and support one another. You can make memories together and generate laughs together. If you can find someone who is always there for you and make you laugh you have hit the jackpot. I can say that I have found that in my life. You can always find things to make you laugh in this life; maybe scrolling on Instagram or watching TV but you can’t manufacture a true support network in this topsy turvy world. A true supportive friend; now that is like a diamond in the rough. But you have to remember that you have to reciprocate the support, it can’t be a one-sided relationship. I don’t have a ton of friends but I have a few top quality ladies in my life who are always there for me and I’m always there for them.

What about you? Comment below!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts