Writing Prompt Wednesdays

May Journal #3

Do you recycle? If so, what do you recycle? If not, why not?

I recycle because it’s required in terms of cans, bottles, and paper. I could be much more of a green consumer though. I recycle my clothes. I wear everything until it pretty much falls apart. I do use a refillable water bottle, but sadly that is canceled out by the one-time-use coffee pods I for my Keurig. To make up for my lack of recycling I try to drive less. I reuse gift bags. However, I can never remember to bring my reusable grocery bags when I go shopping so I suppose that’s canceled out as well. I really need to do better but at school / work I am much better and even if I don’t walk the walk I do talk the talk and hopefully my students will do better.

What about you? Comment below!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts