If you are new to my blog; I have been setting three small goals each month. In January, I focused on my physical health. In February, I focused on my mental health. “I made the most (of what I started)” in March and I tried to “finish what I started” in April.
May is my “birthday month” so as I head into my 37th year I just want to stop and take a moment to think about what I have accomplished so far and how I have set myself up for another trip around the sun. Ultimately, over the past four months I have been able to make real changes in my life! I am still consistently getting exercise (and have even improved my yoga practice), drinking more water than I normally did in 2022, making smarter choices when it comes to eating. As a result I am down 20 pounds and feeling great. I am still journaling, meditating and reading everyday –those things have become an unconscious practice. I was also able to scratch something off my ‘bucket list,’ give up coffee and develop better sleeping habits.
The goals for this month don’t have a theme, perhaps they are about the “little things that make a big difference!”
- Curbing tendency to “binge”
I struggled with binge eating in my youth and over the years I have noticed that I have an addictive personality; I even took a test –I am in the “moderate to high” category. I have been addicted to food/not eating, to exercise, to hobbies, etc. During the pandemic I binged watched A LOT of shows on Netflix; and then as I got more streaming services; it only got worse. We all joke about “binge watching” but I have lost that ability to “savour” a series. I think restoring a little balance in this respect will help me with balance overall. So I am going to only allow myself to watch ONE episode of a show each night. - Improve posture
I chronically slouch; my back and neck are always sore. I do a lot of yoga (lately) and that helps release the tension but once the session is over I am back to slouching. There really isn’t an easy fix for this, it is going to take a lot of conscious attention on my part. I looked up some TIPS. - Get new bras
We have all heard that most women are wearing the wrong bra size and that a “good bra” can improve confidence, prevent sagging and other issues. I am the worst when it comes to my bras; I buy them and then wear them until they literally fall apart; and this is NOT hyperbole! I just threw out all my bras; most of which I bought over a year ago and ordered some new ones that actually fit properly!
What goals are you setting this month?