Have you ever snooped in a friend’s or partner’s house?
I have never snooped in their house but I have snooped in their phone and I’m ashamed to say it. I was just coming out of a long-term relationship and I was very blindsided by the breakup so I was just being over cautious and suspicious. Ultimately it was wrong and I really shouldn’t try and justify it. I’ve also been cheated on in the past and sadly I found out that I was the other person in another relationship. Anyways, I looked at the text between one of my boyfriends and his ex-girlfriend. I was shocked to see that they had had recent communication but nothing concerning at least from what was indicated by the messages that were present or hadn’t been deleted. I don’t like when people touch my stuff, my mom was a big snoop so that really bugs me so I don’t know why I would do it to somebody else.
What about you?
Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts