Writing Prompt Wednesdays

March Journal #3

Write about a moment when you felt proud of yourself. 

I felt proud of myself the most when I got my first teaching job.  This is because I did it all on my own. I knew no one in the field so I couldn’t tap into any connections. The year I graduated, teaching jobs were pretty hard to come by unless you were a French immersion major. You basically had to take whatever was available or sub for a really long time. Subbing wasn’t for me. I think I may have done it once. A lot of the people in my practicum class never ended up teaching, which really sucks because they were amazing. I took a half-time position and it ended up evolving into the job I have now. I am so proud that I never gave up and I put the time in and I grew as an educator. When they offered me the job, I felt truly grown up. I felt truly independent because now I had an income and I could buy a house, I could travel, I could literally do whatever I wanted. It was the start of my life.

What about you?

From Piccadilly‘s 200 Writing Prompts