Writing Prompt Wednesdays

March Journal #1

What is a priority for you right now?

Getting through the winter; it can be a real struggle which I am a little embarrassed to admit because so far, there have been minimal slow and fewer super cold weather days –although when it was cold…IT WAS COLD. At one point it felt like -50. I get the winter blues so bad. I really just want it to be summer when it is warm and light out for longer. The coldest part of our winter is also when the school year seems to drag or is the most tense and that takes a lot out of me. Also, I am by myself a lot of the time in the winter so if anything goes wrong it really sucks. My anxiety is an all-time high. I just wish it was fall all year long but I guess I picked the wrong province or country to live in.

What about you?

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts