Writing Prompt Wednesdays

March Journal #1

Write about the weirdest job you have ever had.

I haven’t had many jobs. I was a Sickbay worker on a cadet camp base. I was a parts picker and packer at Ford. I worked one night as a hostess at an ABC Country Restaurant. I worked one day picking ice cream at a Nestle warehouse. Then of course I’ve been a teacher for the last 14 years and I run a business with my husband. Although in terms of the business he really does all the work, or at least 90%. I don’t classify any of my jobs as the “weirdest.” Obviously, since I didn’t last more than a day at two of them –I really didn’t like them. I mean there have been weird days or weird moments but no job has been the “weirdest.” For example, there have been “interesting” ailments to deal with. There have been “quirky” bosses. There have been “wacky” co-workers. And having to wear a full on snowsuit in indoors was pretty odd (necessary but odd). The kids that we teach are wonderful, special not too mention hilarious; they make everyday amazing and weird.

What about you?

From Piccadilly‘s 200 Writing Prompts