Having bid 2022 a long overdue “adieu,” I spent some time thinking about what I wanted 2023 to be. Every year I tell myself that “this is my year, this is the year I’m going to get started.” Started on what?, I am not sure. 2022 was another tough year, the heartbreak often overshadowed the incredible moments. I lost momentum a lot in 2022; it seemed like the second I dusted myself off, something else hit me hard. Two steps forward, one step back. Most resolutions have been abandoned by now, so I didn’t make any. Instead, I decided that each month I am going to set a series of THREE different challenges or goals.
The focus of February was Mental Health: journalling, reading instead of scrolling and meditating. I am going to try and continue on with those goals but I am going to add the following…
March 2023: “Making the Most of…”
(…my Nike Training Club app)
1. Do ALL of the 106 Yoga Workouts
-I have been absolutely loving the ones I have done so far (25)… 81 left to go!
(…my down time)
2. Declutter one space each day
-I’d like to donate as much stuff as a I can
(…my Spring Break)
3. Have High Tea at the Empress Hotel in Victoria
-This has been on my bucket list for a while; so I am going to finally treat myself
Wishing you all the best this month!