Reflections & Lifestyle

March 2023 Goals: Accountability Post

I can’t believe how fast March flew by!  I have been setting three goals each month since the New Year; I focused on physical health and then mental health. For March, I decided on the theme of “Making the Most of…” To keep myself accountable I’m checking in monthly with you all. As a refresher, my goals were…

1. Do all the yoga workouts on my Nike Training Club app
2. Decluttering
3. Having High Tea at the Empress

How did I do?

In terms of the yoga workouts; I wasn’t able to complete all 109 yoga workouts on NTC. One was a handstand tutorial which I wasn’t comfortable doing considering I’ve had neck issues. I did complete 63 and I’m still working through them. I even do the pregnancy ones. I just modify the movements/positions as needed. I ended up combining shorter workouts/routines. So I will have to continue this goal into April. I have been able to continue on with my January and February goals too!

In terms of decluttering; I managed to do one space. Which is still good! This may sound like an excuse but normally I do a hard core decluttering in the summer… It is easier to pile up donated stuff in the garage or porch when there isn’t a ton of snow on the ground and very cold temps. Doing a declutter in the summer means I have more time to make donation runs or go to the dump with truly worn out things. I think this is a great goal but it was scheduled poorly. Three other factors that interfered were that I also got really into a new book series and I spent a lot of time with friends; birthday parties, going to the theater twice and shopping. And teaching in March is a bit of a nightmare… I definitely needed to set a goal that was more in line with restoration of energy rather than another hard arduous task.

In terms of my third goal; High Tea was amazing! so I successfully accomplished that goal! We also said YES to a lot of other fun activities: food & drink tour of Victoria, forever jewelry and so much more!