Writing Prompt Wednesdays

June Journal #4

You have a child and you have written one piece of advice. It will be carried in his or her pocket for life. What is that advice?

Stay 100% true to yourself! Never waiver in who you are and who you want to become. You are the only one you are living your life for; the only one that matters on your journey. You are the only one you have to prioritize and make happy. When you realize this you will not be derailed by those who are insecure in themselves and therefore will try to tear you down. When you realize this only then will you be able to care for others. You cannot care for others if you are not okay, you cannot care for others if you are not happy and not secure. Being true to yourself will help you connect with the best people in life. Being true to yourself will allow you to achieve your goals and conquer the world.

What about you?

Prompt from Piccadilly‘s 200 Writing Prompts