Writing Prompt Wednesdays

June Journal #2

What is something you have learned in the last few days?

[This is a throwback journal entry; I somehow missed it]

Hmm… in the past few days I have learned a great deal about Victoria, BC. My best friend and I have been researching it for a trip (and future trips because we don’t think we can fit it all in). Some information I knew, since I grew up in British Columbia; but some of it I had forgotten.

  1. It gets more than 2000 hours of sunshine each year
  2. The “Garden City” is actually one of the oldest cities in the Pacific Northwest (1862)
  3. There is an epic food culture in the city –we are excited to go to Sult Pierogi Bar
  4. The Chinatown there is the oldest in Canada and Fan Tan Alley is the narrowest street in Canada.

What about you? Comment below!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts