Writing Prompt Wednesdays

June Journal #1

Think of a celebrity you would like to have dinner with. Write a note that just might catch that person’s attention enough for him or her to agree to the dinner.

This is tough because most of the celebrities I’d like to meet are dead. Long dead! I had to think on this for quite a while. But I’d have to say Padma Lakshmi from Top Chef.

Dear Ms. Lakshmi,

I understand you are an incredibly busy woman; being a mom, an advocate for social change, and running a successful business/brand and in general busy being an all-around bad-ass. I would love to sit down with you to discuss an exciting opportunity. I have made reservations at the most popular restaurant in New York city, see you there at 7:30!

(I am not quite sure why I’m resorting to trickery but maybe it could work.)

What about you?

Prompt from Piccadilly‘s 200 Writing Prompts