Reflections & Lifestyle

June 2023 Goals: Accountability Post

So June is over. I don’t know how that happened but it did. Unfortunately, I didn’t really even get started on my “oddball list of goals” until the middle of the month. A family member who had a massive heart attack was convalescing at our home and every routine or hoped to be realized routine went out the window. However, I endeavoured to salvage the month after that.

  1. I never got used to the quiet.
    -I didn’t attempt to shy away from my usual habit of having background noise —it fact I embraced it, took solace in it even. A streaming service or cooking show from the Food Network was always going in the background. To some extent to impede tense conversations.
  2. Weeding the garden was hit and miss.
    -They haven’t really taken hold yet unlike last year but I am on track with it… for now! 
  3. I had to try really hard to get back into working out.
    -My workout routine fell apart at the end of May because we were traveling to the coast and back and forth to the hospital. And, in general, being so upset tired me out so any extra time I had, I simply wanted to sleep. I was up a few pounds because I stress ate or I ate convenience food. I struggled even to get my suggested zone minutes and the cardiac health gains (as indicated by my FitBit) I made hit a back slide. HOWEVER, I started to turn things around —even if I could do a workout like I planned I tried to limit my stationary time and walked more at work even when I didn’t have supervision. I started jogging for about 10 minutes in the morning before starting the day and I was able to hit my zone minutes and my cardiac health with up one level; one more to go! 

What about you? How did you make out this month?