Writing Prompt Wednesdays

July Journal # 4

Are you more like your mother or your father? Or are you more like someone else? 

I noticed common tendencies between myself and my parents. I always wanted to be just like my dad and I never wanted to resemble my mom in any way. I try really hard to be my own person though. Since my dad died when I was 16 I have a sort of “frozen in time” picture and understanding of who he was as a person. I see in my mom many traits and ways of being that I don’t want to possess or end up doing or being. My emotional connection is fraught with her and I don’t see her much so I think that the absence helps me be my own person. Basically the distance for me sort of prevents her rubbing off on me. I do realize how horrible this sounds but it really is a long, long story and I hope no one’s judging me because familiar relationships are tough; they’re tricky. Sometimes they only make sense to the people directly involved.

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

What about you?