Writing Prompt Wednesdays

July Journal #3

If you could visit anyone on the planet right now, who would you go see?

Probably my best friend, we are actually going to see each other in a couple of weeks but the wait is just killing me! We haven’t been able to see each other for almost 3 months. We text all the time and have  long, catch up “phone dates” but it just isn’t the same. So much has happened in those three long months. Our schedules have become total opposites so even though we only live like two and a half hours away from each other it truly is very difficult to find the time and the right date that matches up. We love to do all sorts of things when we get together; partake in fun activities, eat lots of great food and of course have lots of laughs. My favorite weekends have been spent with her. 

What about you? Comment below!

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts