Writing Prompt Wednesdays

July Journal #3

Do you have any dreams that recur? Why do you think you continue to have that dream?

I have a few dreams that occur, first of all, dreams centered around teaching; shocking I know! It’s a really super mundane dream. I’m simply just teaching a lesson in my classroom to my students and all the usual things happen. It’s just a regular day. I’m not sure if it’s a premonition about how the next day will go or re-imagining how the previous day should have or could have gone.

The second type of recurring dream I have is that my husband leaves me. This is the most troublesome dream I have. I don’t ever remember much, however, the feelings linger when I wake up. Perhaps it’s because he works away and feelings of missing him become overwhelming or we’ve had a slight disagreement or we’ve missed a phone call and our connection feels off. I know he never would but maybe when you have something so incredible the thought of losing it is terrifying. It really is the stuff of nightmares. I also find this funny because he has this recurring dream about me. The takeaway ultimately when I wake up is that it’s a reminder to reconnect and appreciate each other.

Prompt from: Piccadilly’s 200 Writing Prompts

What about you?