Writing Prompt Wednesdays

July Journal #1

What is your favourite game to play?

I love board games but I don’t get to play very often because my husband is not a fan so I really relish the fact that my friends enjoy them. It’s really hard to pick just one. My all-time favorites are..

  1.  Scattergories
    this was a University dorm staple semicolon we played it all the time. and of course there were some who turned it into a drinking game when it wasn’t.
  2.  Trivial Pursuit
    I’m a nerd let’s face it. this was actually a New Year’s tradition with my family. sometimes we played Monopoly but more often than not it was trivial pursuit.
  3.  Cold Case Files or Unsolved Crimes
    this is a game that I play with my coworkers when times are slow surprisingly think we would have made really good detectives.
  4. Life
    I play this with my nieces and nephews all the time and we have several spin-off versions such as Pirates of the Caribbean and Jurassic Park.

What about you?

Prompt from Piccadilly‘s 200 Writing Prompts