School’s out for summer! And I am looking forward to the three Rs; re-prioritize, recharge and re-organize. My goals this month are centered on those principles. Even though its summer, I am continuing to set three monthly goals, which I started doing in January.

- Work-Life Balance
I have a lot of work to do this summer to prepare for the upcoming school year; sometimes I literally wake up and sit at my computer working all day and late into the night for days and days on end. That is SO wrong! First of all, it isn’t healthy and second of all, what a crappy way to spend the summer. I have made the goal that I will only work my regular school hours (8:25am-3:04pm) on days in which my husband is not home and whatever I get done over the summer is what I get done and I will have to do it throughout the school year rather than doing it all up front before the year begins. This will be the first year that I haven’t had everything prepared for the upcoming school year, not going to lie, I am a little nervous about that. - One Vacation
We have a lot happening at home, so between all the school preparation, home renovation and our schedule in general we don’t have any trips planned. We used to spend most of our summer bouncing around the province camping and fishing. We haven’t done that in YEARS; because life just keeps getting in the way. This month I am going to take a trip, even if it is just a few days away with a friend. I am tired of being the only one at work during the first meeting who says “I did nothing this summer… again.” - De-Clutter
This is a throwback to my March goals. I was unsuccessful so I’m trying it again! Time to simplify my life and get my house in order.
What about you? What goals have you set for yourself this month?