Reflections & Lifestyle

July 2023 Accountability Post

We are half way through summer and my goodness has it ever gone fast! Since January I have been setting three small goals to accomplish each month; just because it is summer I didn’t take the month off from my goals; I kept going!

  1. Work Life Balance
    *I have gotten so much done this month and I am really proud of myself. I have stuck to the time parameters of when I work but I still feel like all I have done so far this summer is work; which isn’t great.
  2. One Vacation
    *I spent a couple days in Calgary with a friend, while my husband stayed home to work on home renovations; the guilt was extreme!
  3. De-Clutter
    *I have made two trips to the dump and I feel like 30 pounds lighter after purging our home of all the stuff we no longer use. I only have two bedrooms, a linen closet and downstairs storage area left to go through!

    What about you? How did you make out this month?