Writing Prompt Wednesdays

January Journal #4

Complete this simile: “As awkward as ______________”

As awkward as an elephant on ice skates!

I think that simile best describes me in public settings. I am definitely an introvert and every meme about introverts is painfully hilarious because it is so true. I often put my foot in my mouth, I feel itchy in public settings and try to fade into the background. And because of my innate awkwardness I prefer to stay home and only have a small circle of very close friend. However, the job I have chosen is really only suited to an extrovert so I am capable of putting on quite the show while feeling like I’m gonna die inside.  My personal hashtag according to my friends is #lilaalwaysmakesitawkward so this prompt is pretty fitting for me. 

What about you?

From Piccadilly‘s 200 Writing Prompts