Writing Prompt Wednesdays

January Journal #3

Do you prefer to read electronic books or paper books? Why?

I 100% perfect paper books to electronic books. I love going to the bookstore and scouring the shelves for the perfect book to read. I love the cover art. I love the way books smell. I love turning the crisp textured pages. I love adding another book to my collection once I finish reading it. I do read books on my iPad but it just isn’t the same. The only reason I do is because I have run out of books to read and I’m too impatient for a new one to come in the mail from Indigo or I am feeling too lazy to drive to the city or the physical book is out of stock in the store/online. My husband on the other hand probably has hundred of ebooks. I find I spend enough time staring at a screen at work so the last thing I want to do is read a book on a “screen.” Also, I like to read before bed and I try to limit my screen time before bed because my brain needs to power down and an iPad is just too stimulating. There is nothing better than curling up with a good book, a blanket and a cup of coffee or tea on the couch. It also drives me nuts when I have a book collection that is part paper book and part ebook; sometimes even though I have the ebook I will still go out and by the actual book because it bothers me when I look at the bookshelves and there are books missing. 

What about you?

From Piccadilly‘s 200 Writing Prompts
